
he song
Vande Mataram,
composed by Bankimchandra Chatterji, was a source of
inspiration to the people in their struggles for freedom.
It has an equal status with
It was first sung in the 1896 session of the Indian
National congress. The Song was translated into English by
Sri Aurobindo.

sujalaam suphalaam malayajasheetalaam
sasya shyaamalaam maataram
shubhra jyotsnaa pulakita yaamineem
phulla kusumita drumadalashobhineem,
suhasineen sumadhura bhashhineemh
sukhadaan varadaan maataram
vande maataram ...
koti koti kantha kalakala ninada karaale,
koti koti bhujaidhrurta kharakaravale,
ke bole maa tumi abale
bahubala dharineen namaami tarineem
ripudalavaarineen maataram
vande maataram ...
tumi vidyaa tumi dharma
tumi hridi tumi marma
tvan hi prana sharire
bahute tumi maa shakti,
hridaye tumi maa bhakti,
tomarai pratima gadi mandire mandire
vande maataram ...
tvan hi durga dashapraharanadhaarinee
kamalaa kamaladala viharinee
vanee vidyaadaayinee, namaami tvaam
namaami kamalaan amalaan atulaam
sujalaan suphalaan maataram
vande maataram ...
shyaamalaan saralaan susmitaan bhuushhitaam
dharaneen bharaneen maataram
vande maataram ...
English translation of the first stanza rendered in prose:
I bow to thee, mother,
richly-watered, richly-fruited,
cool with the winds of the south, dark with the crops of the
harvests, the Mother!
Her nights rejoicing in the glory of the moonlight,
her lands clothed beautifully with her trees in flowering bloom,
sweet of laughter, sweet of speech,
the Mother, giver of boons, giver of bliss.

Last Modified: 1 May 1998
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